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Assessment Indicators

The IPC's assessment indicators serve as invaluable tools for evaluating students' progress and development in various domains. These indicators are meticulously designed to align with the curriculum's learning objectives and are adaptable to accommodate the diverse pace at which children develop.

Download Indicators

Review IPC's assessment indicators and examples of corresponding IPC units of work.

Download IPC Assessment Indicators

Download Assessment Booklet Sample

IPC's thematic units have corresponding objective based learning standards designed to achieve the assessment indicators.

Download IPC Assessment Thematic Unit Sample


The IPC adopts the prevailing perspective that early childhood education is most effective when delivered in a developmentally appropriate rather than age-appropriate manner. By acknowledging that children develop at different rates, the IPC has established minimum requirements that can be verified using IPC indicators included in the curriculum's thematic units.

Teachers, supervisors, and parents play a crucial role in determining whether a student's competence in meeting minimum standards is sufficient to advance that student to a higher level. Similarly, a school transitioning to the IPC for the first time should familiarise itself with the IPC's minimum core standards to decide which levels of assessments are most suitable on an individual basis.

The IPC editorial team recognises that while many students demonstrate a high level of competency in one developmental domain, they may lack critical skills in others. In such cases, students may engage with higher-level materials for some activities while participating in activities at lower levels in other domains until they satisfactorily achieve learning objectives.

Many schools organise class groups based on age, and this should not affect how IPC materials are utilised within the developmentally appropriate setting. Teachers are encouraged to maintain daily records and structured portfolios of work for periodic assessment purposes.

Developmental Delays and Disorders

The IPC acknowledges that many of its learning objectives are set to a high standard. Teachers should not be concerned if students are unable to meet all level standards. Gradual improvements should be noted, particularly over the academic year. The IPC's thematic units are designed to review and repeat many of the core learning objectives. If teachers observe that a student has not shown any improvement in achieving learning objectives over several months, there may be a developmental disorder. All IPC teachers should ensure they have completed the IPC Teacher Training Course Module: Child Growth and Development and may suggest to parents a referral to a specialist in special needs.

Some signs of developmental disorders include:

• Extreme aggressiveness or shyness

• Separation Anxiety (e.g., separation from a parent for more than an hour)

• Fine motor difficulties such as an inability to colour within lines or correctly hold a crayon

• Inability to use a toilet correctly, inability to brush teeth, or understand typical hygiene practices for their age group.

Note: Since children develop at varying rates, many teachers incorrectly assume the presence of a developmental disorder. The above indicators are not exhaustive, and a formal diagnosis from a specialist in special needs, such as a psychiatrist or doctor, are the only means of determining whether a disorder exists.

How to Prepare Reports

The IPC understands that schools have developed unique reporting methods specific to local and cultural influences. Therefore, the organisation does not impose any assessment requirements on teachers or schools but makes the following recommendations:

Based on IPC indicators and the expected content learning area minimum requirements outlined below, teachers will have an adequate framework to structure short to medium-term reports. This is best achieved by maintaining assessment portfolios for each child and conducting scheduled observation activities where progress can be reported and reviewed.

Teachers are encouraged to repeat activities for core indicators at intervals of 3-6 months to validate progress or identify potential special needs.

The International Preschool Curriculum L1-L3 Edition has accompanying assessment books for each child. Teachers may keep copies and provide the assessment workbooks to parents as a method of academic reporting, but this form of reporting should not replace other assessment methods discussed above.

The IPC neither encourages nor prohibits schools from conducting student examinations.

IPC Editorial Team Dr. Rebecca Reynolds, Ed. D Dr. Erika Burton, PhD Dr. Donna Skinner, PhD

Further Information Complete IPC Teacher Training Course Module: Observation, Documentation and Assessment in Early Childhood. Contact your IPC relationship manager for specific assessment questions and concerns.

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