IPC Accreditation
Accreditation signifies that a school has demonstrated excellence in various areas, including curriculum implementation, teaching practices, learning environment, teacher qualifications, safety protocols, and ongoing assessment and improvement.
Any IPC school can apply for accreditation after 12 months of good standing and by demonstrating an adherence to IPC's Accreditation Standards.

Minimum Standards
1) If a license to operate a school is required in your territory, then you shall provide proof of an active license application or license certificate.
2) You and your staff agree to be bound by the IPC's Code of Ethical Conduct.
3) Every staff member, regardless of qualification, that delivers IPC lessons shall have started IPC Teacher Training. A staff member that does not complete training within 12 months shall be relieved from all IPC related activities by the school.
4) You agree to conduct criminal background checks on all staff members and shall not hire any staff member who has a criminal history.
5) You agree to uphold all local health and safety standards relating, but not limited to, fire prevention, sanitary waste, ventilation and air quality, climate control, security and any other hazards that are likely to be health or safety concerns. If such standards are lacking, the school will apply IPC's Accreditation criteria that relates to health and safety.
The IPC's minimum standards of affiliation encompass various criteria designed to ensure quality and consistency across affiliated preschools. These standards typically include requirements related to curriculum implementation, teacher qualifications and training, learning environment, health and safety protocols, parent engagement, and ongoing assessment and improvement. By adhering to these standards, preschools affiliated with the IPC demonstrate a commitment to providing high-quality early childhood education that aligns with internationally recognized best practices.