For our latest IPC International Preschool Spotlight, we travel to Southeast Asia to Phnom Penh, capital city of Cambodia and home to Caring Heart Daycare and International Preschool.
Following the well-documented effects of the Covid pandemic, Caring Heart is back in full swing and is in the process of concluding a further round of expansion.

While the preschool has only recently joined IPC International Preschools, it has been operating since 2017, but has sought to expand its services, broaden its expertise and gain a world-renowned curriculum by becoming part of the ever-growing global IPC family.
Having served over 100 families since its inception, Caring Heart is currently home to around 50 students (from five different nationalities) and has an excellent teacher-student ratio, with 20 staff members.

The school admits to having endured difficult times during the pandemic, and says the biggest challenges faced during Covid was having to shut down the entire school, while keeping hold of students and teachers.
Families looked to Caring Heart during those trying times, and they stood true to their name, as pulled out all the stops to ensure children were cared for and educated under almost impossible conditions.

Since joining the IPC, Caring Heart has looked forward to not only seeing their numbers grow, but also the quality of the education provided and is increasingly being looked at as a preschool of choice in Phnom Penh.